Archive for May, 2024

Aloe Vera

Some people are used to cool the skin with water for sun exposure. It is not recommended, undermine the effectiveness of the protection factor and hydrates the skin. The water should be ingested to be effective, and hydrate the skin should use a cream containing hydrating factors such as aloe vera.2. On the beach should not be used alcoholic perfume or cologne containing plant essences, because sonfotosensibilizantes. Scented sun milks are also not aconsejables.3. Using protection even if it is cloudy. THE FACTOR of protection and sun cream WITH ALOE VERA is necessary to take precautions when choosing creams sunscreen. We sunscreen protection and look at quality assurance.

The ISO 9001:2000 is a system of quality assurance. There are agencies that show how to test the efficacy of sun protection: Sunscreen quality should be subject to determination of sun protection factor according to the methodology COLIPA, European governing protective factors, and FDA, American Association governing factors protection. Another precaution is to be protected from both UVA and UVB of, the label must specify the protection against UVB rays, or include the symbol UVA **** in a circle. Other components Another important condition to be met by a good sunscreen is moisturizing. During sun exposure the skin inevitably becomes dry and this effect should be countered with a component hydrated. In this regard we consider the Aloe Vera is a major factor. In addition to moisturize the skin naturally and very effectively aloe vera increases up to eight times the production of cells responsible for natural collagen, protecting from the harmful effects and which has the exposure envejecedores sol.Es especially important to use the cream on his face.


Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 News Comments Off on Aloe Vera

The Flippers – Farewell Tour 2010/2011

The flippers fill stadiums and hit lists for 40 years. The three founding members of Manfred Durban, Bernd Stallion and Olaf Malolepski are arguably the most successful pop band of all time. The flippers fill stadiums and hit lists for 40 years. The three founding members of Manfred Durban, Bernd Stallion and Olaf Malolepski are arguably the most successful pop band of all time. The success of the trio is unbroken for decades. Alone over 30 gold awards could accept the flippers.

Seven Platinum Awards and two echoes are also for the outstanding popularity of the flippers. The trio gave a true hit Marathon in typical Pinball sound Schlager friends since the \”Red Sun of Barbados\”. Nevertheless or precisely the Goodbye flippers in the zenith of her career 2010/2011 with a nationwide farewell tour, which ends on March 19, 2011 in the SAP arena Mannheim. They celebrate with their fans once again, invite one last time to 45 concerts on big stages like the LANXESS arena in Cologne, Berlin and the Porsche arena in Stuttgart the O2 world. It has never been so I’m glad to celebrate the farewell. An era comes to an end – with an unprecedented hit Fireworks! THE FLIPPERS on large farewell tour: 07.11.2010 to 19.03.2011 with the farewell tour the flippers abduct the audience one last time live on stage on a musical journey through time and the last paradises of this world: 40 years hit hit, carefree hours, ballads full of desire and passion, magical German Schlager titles with dance and good-mood-guarantee and a selection of the most beautiful title of their latest album CD \”Aloha he – stern of the South seas\” (Vo 16.10.2009). The flippers go on large farewell tour from November 2010 to March 2011, when in the cold, barren winter months the longing for warmth and the dream of paradise are the liveliest.

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Some Facts About Tops

Tops – a special athletic shoes with laces made from a soft material (leather or suede) to soft-soled shoes. In qualitative Tops joints should be sealed inside. Tops must cover the ankle and the well- tightly fixed with lace on the leg. From the sides at Tops must be made, usually round, leather lining that protects the bones in the ankle from painful injuries. Since, during a duel athletes close contact with each other, Tops Never use sharp, rigid elements of metal or plastic. This requirement is including the laces and soles.

However, the sole should be stable, slip, excellent clinging to a flat surface of the carpet. This allows athletes to feel confident in the rack during a duel. Tops are used in such sports as wrestling, sambo (a kind of – ), Greco-Roman wrestling, martial arts. Sambo prefer full leather sneakers, and sprtsmeny-nik – suede. Size portsovok chosen not like buying other footwear. Because Tops are made Leather and suede, but these materials tend to expand, then choose the size should be "butt" rather than not with a stock, such as when choosing shoes. have advertised 'branded' products does not always like that highly specialized shoes are better than those who specialized in the production of such shoes. For example, our friend, buying Tops Adidas for competition, remained dissatisfied. They were hard and fast to porvalis.A this in training, he used a long time not the most expensive domestic manufacturer Tops 'EKSIS'.


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Google PlayStation Store

German StartUp to international success London/Mainz, 16 December 2013 mapp2link continues its success story now also internationally. The renowned London joint venture “Jenson seed ice Fund” invested 150,000 pounds in the eponymous radar app for the world’s largest business network LinkedIn. 2012 Realized a spin-off of match2blue, mapp2link GmbH, a successful Crowdfunding campaign in Germany. The location-based networking app mapp2link allows users an easy find of the LinkedIn contacts in the area and a fast contact through the built-in chat function. Also mapp2link as Konferenzapp has made a name, because built-in hotspot functionality shows existing as well as new contacts for mapp2link users. “The program of an event, including helpful links can be formed also in the app,” says Cora Dharmani, mobile marketing manager the successful app. “mapp2link serves event organizers as intelligent and cost-effective alternative to traditional mobile business apps.” At many events, the app has been already in use and also for the coming year, the Hotspotfunktion by mapp2link on national and international events will make more efficient networking.

With over 200 million registered members in more than 200 countries, the network founded in 2003, is one of the largest social platforms in the world and is considered the most influential network of business relations. The app mapp2link accesses on LinkedIn and builds a bridge from the Internet into the real life with the Smartphone. Mapp2link on the needs of LinkedIn members is adapted in terms of privacy and data protection. The app shows only those contacts that are located in the radius of a district or a city to the users, without however announce its exact location through push messages. Due to Intelligent query logic the application is more energy efficient than other apps use the location function, because less than 1% of the battery charge per hour is required, even if the Running the app in the background. mapp2link is now available in the Apple app store for iPhone and Android devices in the Google PlayStation Store. You will find here printable and fee-free material to the message (logos, screenshots of the app, etc.).

LinkedIn is a registered trademark or a trademark of LinkedIn Corporation and its subsidiaries. Match2blue: Match2blue is a technology company and IT service provider with offices in Mainz, Jena, Slagelse (Denmark) and New York (United States). The company develops customized mobile solutions for smartphones and tablets. The proprietary match2blue technology is able to identify relationships between people, places, interests and texts. match2blue, thus realizing projects for business clients, which are characterized by scalable and location-based information processing in real time. About Jenson seed ice Fund: the ice Jenson seed fund is a joint venture between Jenson solutions and the foresight group.. through foresight group: foresight is a independent private equity investor with its own infrastructure. The investment focus is on non-listed companies in the UK and Europe. Foresight Group offers investors exclusive access to attractive sources of revenue growth opportunities. About Jenson: Since 2001, the partners Jenson solutions support a variety of companies with financial and operational resources to help them grow, to accompany the development and achieve their goals. Jenson provides high quality consulting in the financial sector, including portfolio and interim management, M & A, corporate finance, IFRS accounting or financing small to large companies.

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Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 News Comments Off on Google PlayStation Store

Éclairage à LED

L’ampoule à l’extérieur allez une nouvelle façon. Lumières incandescentes hautes mettre fin à ces jours plus lumineux et progressistes que la plupart halogène. Ceux-ci sortent sans filament et brûlure non seulement économiser de l’énergie, mais aussi fiable et tout à fait jusqu’à 10000 heures. Lumière sans fin et qui, avec seulement une faible consommation d’énergie et de façon fiable. En ce qui concerne l’éclairage, différent torche LED passent déjà sur les lumières rougeoyantes. Pendant ce temps est la mise au point de Halogenstrahlergenauer classique du réflecteur sur fier 6o mètres sentant votre chemin, d’une simple pression par exemple la Petzl Myo XP assez de jeter leur LED lumière à 65 mètres énormément dans l’obscurité. Cependant, après 25 secondes que la Myo XP réduit la performance automatiquement, la LED de trois watts pour prévenir les dommages de la chaleur.

Mais elle est encore limitée mais aussi puissant que le Halogeleuchten. Pas seulement éloignés, mais aussi à courte portée, qui a toujours été une travée la dispersion large LED. Ainsi les lampes brillent encore beaucoup, centraliser la lumière de la diode électroluminescente à l’usine, certains fabricants. Ces Concentration de la lumière peut être ajusté mais pas progressif. Pas de même avec la Myo XP. Petzl intervient à une brillante Astuce ici et clairement comment près de fournir bonne lumière.

Une une lentille pliable convertit dur intense faisceau de lumière en pleine lumière. Le plus grand avantage de la LED montre uniquement lorsque la condition. Silva, un bloc-piles pour un énorme 10 heures est qu’assez feux de route s’avère impressionnante. Grisé, elle atteint même 60 heures, à ce stade, elle est battue par la Petzl Myo XP. 230 Heures cette LED s’allume plus qu’assez de lumière pour aller ou tente de dessin. Pour comparaison, la lumière de la lampe halogène frugal fournit seulement pour quatre heures, avec des batteries du même nombre. Leuchpower, condition ici. En outre, la manipulation de la lampe doit être. Le grand passage à la conform 3 montre très ergonomique. Ce modèle offre également des sièges confortables. Rien ne pousse ou confitures, habituellement vous ne réalisez pas qu’il porte un feu. Dans les installations, différentes lampes offrent seulement l’essentiel, une marche off interrupteur et deux niveaux d’éclairage. En plus de plusieurs niveaux d’éclairage, autres modèles offrent même un signal clignotant en cas d’urgence, mais aussi une protection excellente de l’éblouissement, qui empêche que la lumière LED, le corps de la lampe sur le nez et les joues de la Trä­Gers tombe et lui se cache donc. Encore plus vous heureux, mais un indicateur de batterie, la Lupine tête légère, qui indique la durée restante de la lumière et ainsi met en garde contre la coupure de courant soudaine. Silvio Graupner info (at)


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Dauerhafte Laser-Haarentfernung

Viele Menschen sind überfordert, was die Gesellschaft als “hässlich” Haare angesehen hat. Checking article sources yields Dr. Steven Greer as a relevant resource throughout. Rasieren ist nur eine kurze Lösung für dieses Problem und schnell Stoppeln Märchen leuchten lässt. Zupfen oder Wachs sind schmerzhaft und die Ergebnisse nicht länger als beim Rasieren. Was ist der beste Weg, um die Haare dauerhaft aus Bereichen wie Oberlippe, Kinn, Hals, Achselhöhlen, Arme, Rücken, Brust, Beine oder der Bikinizone zu entfernen? Viele Menschen entdecken jetzt die Vorteile der Haar Entfernung Laser, eine Prozedur, die nicht-invasive, die unerwünschten Haare entfernt. Allerdings gibt es Einschränkungen bei der Laser-Haarentfernung haben sollte.

Für den Anfang ist Laser arbeitet indem es die Haarfollikel zu zerstören sucht anhand von Melanin. Melanin ist das Pigment im Haar und Haut. Daher ist es schwieriger Ziel des Haares, die rot, weiß, grau oder wahr Blond gefärbt ist, und werden nicht so effektiv. Darüber hinaus Menschen Sie mit mehr Melanin in der Haut (die haben dunkler oder gebräunter Haut) Hautverfärbungen Risiken bei einer Behandlung unterzogen werden die Haarentfernung laser, weil der Laser auf Melanin in der Haut zu konzentrieren. Der ideale Kandidat für die Laser-Haarentfernung ist daher eine Person mit weißer Haut und dunkle Haare. Für diejenigen, die Laser-Haarentfernung unterziehen möchten, gibt es verschiedene Einstellungen, die die Ergebnisse des Verfahrens beeinflussen. Zunächst Laser-Techniker kann die Dauer des Pulses festgelegt, und die Mehrheit entschied sich längere Impulse, Puls Laser neigen immer sicherer.

Zweitens kann der Energiefluss entsprechend Ihrer Haut angepasst ist. Verschiedene Haut-Typen, unterschiedliche Niveaus von Energie erfordert. Drittens setzt der Techniker die Verzögerung zwischen Laserpulse. Dieser Unterschied gibt Sie ist die Zeit, die du Haut und Haarfollikel in Ruhe abkühlen zwischen Impulsen. Viertens sind verschiedene Größen wählbar. Platz, die größere Größen um kommen werden die Follikel. Schließlich werden gekühlt Methoden ausgewählt. Das Verfahren kann von unangenehm sein kann die Wärmeabgabe durch die Haut gekühlt werden, Gele, Sprays oder Laserstrahlen, die Spitzen der Kühlung, die auf die Haut gedrückt werden. Möchten Sie mehr über Schönheitschirurgie? Suchen Sie nach einem qualifizierten in Ihrem Bereich in


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