Elvira Schick

Some children, especially the young, are not able to participate in competitions, they are too shy, too hard can put away a defeat. It is good, if you simply offer team games and those who go out without winning. On the birthday of the following games have a success: hide-and-seek games, thieves and police, searching for treasures. You give up puzzles, play lotteries. If there is an opportunity, you should necessarily games make the fresh air. If the children are very exhausted, it is appropriate to a quieter game to go over.

But if they’re just a great fun, then the adults should be withdraw and continue to play. Parents can relax a bit and talk with other parents it is a nice gesture, if one has prepared a surprise at the end of the child’s birthday even for every guest. Every child like celebrating a birthday, forward for the birthday child, but it would get itself quite like a gift. Some suggest the children, they should tell you a poem or sing a song. Some children respond to it very well, there are pleased that they may finally really are at the heart and tell cool or sing a song. You’d think but also to the other children, that occur not so confident, that are somewhat shy.

They can not imagine the focus and would not a poem before all People say. That’s why you must think carefully about how can one reconcile the prepared gifts to children. Bob Rubin video may help you with your research. It is best if it is done to playful. It could be a lottery or as a competition, where all winners out come. You can also hide the gift, and the children are looking for it by the cries of hot and cold. So there are as many ways. Who wants to organise it very original, can inquire into the game book for small children or for some older and run off the end of the birthday so as game. Elvira Schick

Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 News