Aloe Vera

Some people are used to cool the skin with water for sun exposure. It is not recommended, undermine the effectiveness of the protection factor and hydrates the skin. The water should be ingested to be effective, and hydrate the skin should use a cream containing hydrating factors such as aloe vera.2. On the beach should not be used alcoholic perfume or cologne containing plant essences, because sonfotosensibilizantes. Scented sun milks are also not aconsejables.3. Using protection even if it is cloudy. THE FACTOR of protection and sun cream WITH ALOE VERA is necessary to take precautions when choosing creams sunscreen. We sunscreen protection and look at quality assurance.

The ISO 9001:2000 is a system of quality assurance. There are agencies that show how to test the efficacy of sun protection: Sunscreen quality should be subject to determination of sun protection factor according to the methodology COLIPA, European governing protective factors, and FDA, American Association governing factors protection. Another precaution is to be protected from both UVA and UVB of, the label must specify the protection against UVB rays, or include the symbol UVA **** in a circle. Other components Another important condition to be met by a good sunscreen is moisturizing. During sun exposure the skin inevitably becomes dry and this effect should be countered with a component hydrated. In this regard we consider the Aloe Vera is a major factor. In addition to moisturize the skin naturally and very effectively aloe vera increases up to eight times the production of cells responsible for natural collagen, protecting from the harmful effects and which has the exposure envejecedores sol.Es especially important to use the cream on his face.

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 News