Mainz Relationship Management Congress

2. Mainz relationship management Congress in the rooms of the former Sektkellerei Kupferberg in Mainz Mainz, March 23, 2009 – on May 19, 2009 will take place in Mainz Mainz 2. relationship management Congress. As in the previous year, the event will take place again in the traditional areas of Mainzer Sektkellerei Copper Mountain. The special challenges that companies see changing internal and external conditions are in the focus of the one-day event with the programmatic title of strong relationships in tough times”. Just successful companies in such tough times use”stable relations with customers, employees, competition and public.

Only if a company always analyzed these relations and improved, i.e.: its relationship management actively designed, it will succeed in the long term and remain. The 2nd Mainz relationship management Congress offers an insight into the psychological, communicative, organisational and economic conditions of tough times”. Experts from industry and research give in their Important suggestions on how specific impulses in the relationship management successfully make such phases can be units. Venue: 55116 Mainz, sparkling wine producer Kupferberg, Prince of Bismarck Hall. Event date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 10:00 approx.

17:00. The lecture programme with details of speakers and topics, as well as the registration form for the event, see. Short information forum! Group forum! founded in 1996 as the owner-managed market research and consulting firm headquartered in Mainz. With the two subsidiaries forum! Market research, as well as forum! Marketing and communications consultancy is forum! specializing in the analysis and optimization of business relationship management. With the excellence barometer, which has established itself as the most important benchmark study to the performance of the German economy, has a forum! Market research together with the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) as one who is a few institutes in Germany own basic research to the Success factors of relationship management. Also the close link to the Institute of journalism of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz stands for the timeliness and innovation in terms of established research models and techniques. The nationwide competition Germany of customer champions “forum is looking for! Market research with the business magazine impulse’ and the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) the company with the best customer relationships. With the competition, the initiators aim to establish a benchmarking for quality of customer relationship management and to reward exemplary customer orientation in Germany. Forum! Market research continues to be organizers of the annual Mainz relationship management Congress, the aim of which is to impart knowledge relating to the business relationship management decision-makers from the economy of the theory about the analysis to the implementation. The forum! Group has its own call centre for the implementation of tele-marketing projects as well as an interview Center in Mainz with a specialization in managing B2B studies and international studies.

Monday, June 3rd, 2024 News