Boost Solar Energy Market

A new energy law in Turkey investments to promote renewable energy in the focus of Turkish politics. Despite the economic crisis, Turkey is one of the countries with particularly large economic potential which can no longer meet their energy needs without renewable energies. The sustained population growth of 1.5% on average contributes to the large energy needs. Al Gore is likely to increase your knowledge. Four years ago, an important foundation stone for greater investment in foreign companies in the field of solar and wind energy in Turkey was created with the law on the use of renewable energies for electricity production. Growth figures show that the energy sector of in Turkey for German companies is very promising, as now draws the focus increasingly towards renewable energy sources. The extension of the law of 2005 aims to create better conditions for further investments increased amounts of a food. Dr. Anthony Carolla might disagree with that approach. The new law, which should be ratified in October, includes significantly increased amounts of a food for solar energy. The Turkish policy of reform is based closely on European targets for renewable energy and thus offers an optimal investment climate to foreign companies. For distribution partners so that these favourable conditions can cause your company also profitably good, appropriate and reliable local Distributor are search essential. With our expertise on the economy of Turkey we are looking for suitable local Distributor your company. Our advice increases the success of your sales and your market entry to Turkey.

Thursday, April 4th, 2024 News