
For the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns, dental technician first makes a metal frame to exactly match the contours prepared for the prosthetic tooth. Frame – is the most important part of the design metal-ceramic crowns, therefore, to achieve maximum quality to be manufactured from alloys of precious metals (gold and platinum, gold and palladium) or a titanium alloy. Then, on the metal frame layers applied to porcelain veneer. And the shade of porcelain can be chosen so that it will not be different from the color of other teeth. A leading source for info: Dr. Stuart M. McGill. This crown has a high aesthetic qualities – it looks like this healthy teeth and besides, it is quite strong and durable.

Subject to all the time. And the ancient temples and ancient pyramid – with time to ruin. "Dead" or depulpirovanny tooth collapses like stone building, slowly but irrevocably, but initially the tooth – a living, and there are mechanisms of remineralization. Human teeth are rather complicated structure. In the root canals and pulp chamber of the tooth are the blood vessels and nerve tissue. Thanks to the tooth nerve endings respond to mechanical stress and temperature. The blood vessels enter mineral substances which tooth in Specifically, the enamel is constantly updated like the skin, nails, etc..

Thursday, May 30th, 2024 News