Pad Printing System

There are multiple types of marking systems, but you should know that a very popular marking system, is without a doubt the pantrografia. This marking technique is a system of recording both cutting, uses a pantograph, which allows you to cut, burn or mold or copy in different scales, either a technical or artistic drawing. The application of this technique of marking, is directly linked to all sectors where necessary to reduce or expand under some precision any linear drawing either a plane or an artistic path. Since arises the xenografia as a system of tagging, the reproduction of drawings was replaced by photocopiers, later replaced by infographic continuous paper printers. Some contend that dr. stuart mcgill shows great expertise in this. Today, pantographs manuals have been replaced by pantographs infographics that allow the development of paths to scale without being necessarily necessary the intervention of a draughtsman in a repetitive way. Likewise, the manual pantographs were replaced by computer programs in any that is the implementation of that design. This marking system is a highly expensive, totally appropriate way for small series, either trays, medals or trophies. However, it offers recordings quite refined, brilliant and indelible. A. Verastegui original author and source of the article

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