Rental Crisis

The newspaper “Today” drew my attention to the fact that the fall hryvnia has affected the welfare of the population. Once banks have cut lending and make more stringent conditions autosales declined sharply, as 60% of cars bought on credit. Therefore, – writes today – many of the city inundated with commercials about the huge discounts in the showrooms. But, as we found out a newspaper, if you count in uah, in comparison with the beginning of September prices increased due to the devaluation of the hryvnia even with discounts. Nevertheless, many car dealers cut prices and uah, but do not exclude that in connection with further drop in car prices in national currency will increase.

Cost of vehicles continued to decline until the second half of January, when car dealers have raised prices on new cars. used machinery continues to become cheaper. Prices of many goods and services that have traditionally defined in the so-called standard units, in national currency grew naturally. This primarily affected vehicles, travel tickets and rental housing, which increased in price (UAH) about 30% in the tourist business is also significant changes occurred, the newspaper said. In order to save money better go to Europe because that is where prices are still too vozrosli.A here south of the country is already in uah increased significantly in price since the price was originally calculated in U.S. dollars. Previously we calculated with clients on nbu rate + 2%, in the present tourist firms are asked to rely on the interbank rate, the head of one of the tourist companies Igor ..

Sunday, April 7th, 2024 News