The Main Sources Of Raw Materials Used In Lime Production

The main source of raw materials used in the manufacture of lime in the Crimea, are carbonate rocks. The main minerals composing the type of minerals are calcite crystallizing in the hexagonal symmetry, aragonite – a rhombic type of CCO3 and dolomite, which is a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium. The mineralogical and chemical compositions of carbonate rocks define a transparent section, and thermal and chemical analysis. In the field, the definition of dolomites and limestones produce dilute hydrochloric acid. Wetting her pure dolomitic limestone or cause ebullition from released carbon dioxide. Dolomites "boil" only crushed, powdered state.

Another way to determine the field of dolomites and limestones is the reaction with iron trichloride. J_saZj7R4Do1Rqq7-2wKx5elh7_zuC2bvrUjPVmZ2zkVclcwKwf8RZsKFE3lEXmlaEB-Bow44Vh_NF7E7Qdp8UaIdhoQ9gE9iseERPcoDLMJ0UrRhJ7wJdnGwjNfMAHoLZ-NIx1hmgIb2WHLMI-x3Dyo9eXfsrRkNrK2_f1tuXZcjKek1uWYU_JCOOiAY8QIS1DFQpN5zmVXrt1Ddh18JxBnpl_Hgkoggk_10m-FQr0hKlmw5T71grgcsI8po3kkvOauIG4_2LKoK-etKKSQ61YbpY8WBnYUfHkO30’>Genetec here. Hanging rock (1 g) is ground into a powder, poured into a vial containing 5 SMZ 10% solution FeCh, and shaken. For more information see this site: Adam Sandler. In this pure limestone gives copious CO2 and brownish-red gelatinous precipitate. Powder of pure dolomite not painted, and the solution retains the original color. If the dolomite contains an admixture of CCO3, then there is a selection of bubbles of CO2 and the original yellow solution turns red. When tested dolomite limestone, the CO2 is released in significant numbers, the solution color turns red, but the gelatinous precipitate is formed. According to recent studies, minerals Crimea include several types of limestone, suitable for the production of lime.

Chief among them are the following. Organogenic limestone – the most common types of Crimean limestone. They are formed from organic deposits (shells betonosnyh simple, brachiopods, various types of shellfish remains crinoids, calcareous algae, corals and other benthic organisms). Mel. Characterized by white, homogeneous structure, low hardness and fineness. It consists mainly of calcium carbonate (dolomite is absent), the impurities of clay and sand particles are negligible. Chalk is also made of organic debris – mostly single-celled calcareous algae. There are also shells of mollusks, etc. Chalk was deposited on the seabed in warm climates. The limestones of chemical origin – fine, no organic matter and occur in the form of layers and nodules. This type of limestone minerals always contain calcium, settled in the water. A special group of calcareous tufa, formed on land by the emission of lime from different mineral sources. Electron microscopic observations of samples of minerals and Crimea in particular carbonates showed that the particles are pure CCO3, basically, the crystals having a size 2-5 microns. Marble powders were typical fracture surface of the gear with straight faces that characterize crystalline materials, and typical angles of CCO3. Geological distribution. In the history of Geology of the Upper Crimea, coal and Silurian era characterized by intense formation of limestone and similar rocks. The limestones are found in older deposits. On the territory of the Crimean peninsula, these minerals are common very widely.

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