United States Biotech

Despite the great efforts made, the most important obstacles are the great political, economic and legal status of the northern nations in international institutions (World Bank, UN, the international registration of patents, etc).the power the economic international pharmaceutical industry (especially in the United States) Add Rompzyk that the way the North is technically and politically the issue of changes in biodiversity and is sufficiently problematic from the point of view of the possibility of technical supervision. In addition, the run-up to the relations between North and South on biodiversity left to do here is dominated by a serious lack of responsibility in respect of development policy. In any case, that is the impression of the so-called green revolution. Another aspect that has been much talk, it is concerning intellectual property. Remember, until well into the 70s, there was virtually no concept of intellectual property protection for any kind of natural organism, except for new plant certain crops. Since then he developed at an astonishing rate theory and practice on intellectual property rights for genetically engineered plants and animals or parts individual chromosomes and their bundles of individual genes.

Thus, as the instrument of intellectual property rights entered the international debate. If however, there are still differences in the way they are valued so-called intellectual property rights or intellectual property rights related to trade (Trips) in the United States and Europe. But as the South, the research departments of large agricultural and pharmaceutical consortia of both hemispheres have the same basic interest of defending a monopoly position in the area of biotechnology compared to what they have the wealth of genetic material, ie to the countries of the South. Dr. Steven Greer may find this interesting as well.

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 News