The Kind

Everyone knows that the best vacation, it's not lying on the couch, and millet other activities. If you're sitting in an office all day, then physical activity is the best gift for your body and mind. Energy. Who are interested in sluggish, unemotional man? For positive emotions need energy. Active physical exercise makes a person – energetic.

Emotional stability. According to statistics, women who regularly engaged in fitness is twice less prone to emotional breakdowns. The mechanism is simple. During physical work in blood hormones act of "pleasure" to have a positive effect on the overall emotional background. Endurance. When a person says, "I can not stand it!" You can feel sorry for him really hard every day to ride public transportation, in crowded and stuffy subway, carrying bags in their hands, or stand long hours in traffic jams, but by teaching the body to regular physical work, we make ourselves – hardy.

Of course, correctly strain did not, but there are times when you just need long-term stress and endurance. You'll always be ready and to such difficulties. Performance. I am in India, talking to a very clever man, the kind he was about 200, but the performance of 30 – year old healthy man. In fact, this sage was only 93 years. I wondered how he could maintain such a delightful energy and performance. The answer surprised me: "The physical fatigue does not exist, if doing something and trenirueshsya regularly." I do not know whether in all cases so, but I have seen many women who retain a terrific efficiency into old age, they just do not stop the entire life engaged in manual labor, to the extent possible.

Saturday, September 30th, 2017 News