CONJUNCT OF THE HUSBANDS God, we praise you to us for the love that joins in them. It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is strong stops preserving in them of all badly, stops supporting in them in the difficult hours, stops raising in them when it will have fall. It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is new stops in disclosing one to them to the other, stops in teaching the humildade to them, to pardon when she will be necessary. It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is great stops teaching in them to love, stops in showing who to them is, stops in showing who You to them is.

It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is strong for Your force, either new for Your favour, either great for our faith. Amen.

Saturday, May 8th, 2021 News