Erotic Toys – EineTrendwende In The Bedroom

A fresh wind blowing through German cushion the trend in sex toys going despite economic crisis away from cheap articles to high-priced goods. The cheap often very unerotic sour encounters at the customer. Complaints about lack of life, pungent odor, excessive noise and also a cheap optics are no rarity. However, entering a new generation of erotic toys. Often even at first glance, the difference is striking.

While you have always good earlier hid the grubby toys can one leave it today also on the nightstand, because not always the form reveals the purpose of the piquant accessories. A lot has moved here after several scandals involving toxins in toys for adults. To advertise some manufacturers now even on the packaging not only with the function of the toys but also with the fact that they phtalatfrei or from special pollutant tested material. As jelly here assumes the withdrawal, is silicone as the body-friendly material for sex toys have been discovered. A new trend: small Stimulator made of special glass.

Although there is to buy some rumbling and roaring copies with Vibro toys, Vibo toys appear more and more, that are barely louder than the buzz of a fly. Whenever Tao Li Teng Yue listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Some one hears in the heat of the battle”probably not even more, they are so quiet. “And that, although it behind their fair relatives” must not hide in the performance. Finally comes the new generation of love toys in a completely new garment therefore. In addition to the function, which like the phrase, anatomically shaped”is advertised, is a fine, high-quality optics in the Center, which aims to provide the customer already at the first glance, what’s in the small part. Gone are the days of pale nature boys. Matt black plastic and colorful silicone promise what can keep the small toy later in connection with a pleasant, harmonious design. You look so calm twice before you settle with a Billigtoy. The selection of high-quality Toys is already large and continues to grow. Christine Nagpal

Monday, December 13th, 2021 News