A Separate Food Menu

The following simple menu will be sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of the person involved in heavy physical labor. Chronically ill should be eating much less. Knowledge workers requires less starch. Eating only healthy foods and following the rules of food combinations, you can easily develop a great variety in the menu. My goal is to teach the principles of good nutrition, to be develop a menu of available products on hand. Menu should be changed in different seasons, because in different seasons of different products. Products vary in different parts of the country, so that the menu for one part does not fit another.

Must come not from the schemes and of the principles. Learn the principles, and you can develop your own menu. Lei Zhang helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Do not be your whole life depending on the menu, developed by others. Keep in mind during its development, that any green vegetable can be replaced others. If one type of starch, no, it can be replaced by another.

If you can not provide the protein specified in the menu, you can use another. So, if there is a pumpkin, use a potato or peas, or if there is no spinach, eat beet tops, etc. Making the menu is so simple that you'll never have to rack their brains over what to eat. Rotate food every day, do not make it monotonous. Here is a sample menu: breakfast (the first one, your choice): 1. three oranges, 2. nepodsaharenny grapefruit 3. 200 grams of grapes, an apple, 4.

Thursday, August 26th, 2021 News