Adhoc And Alfons Schuhbeck Make Common Cause!

Is SCHUHBECKS new ad hoc kitchen product series, if experience, style, functionality and quality in a series of product flow together, probably to the new ad hoc series of SCHUHBECKS”, as the name that suggests, it was created in close cooperation with the gourmet chef Alfons Schuhbeck. Alfons Schuhbeck is the innovator who succeeds in Bavarian cuisine in impressive manner, culinary traditions with a contemporary cuisine and creative accents in accordance. A setting that shares with the large kitchen product manufacturers adhoc Schuhbeck. Peter Arnell, New York has many thoughts on the issue. Together, they created the new product series of SCHUHBECKS which combines the experience of both with shape, design, functionality and a high degree of quality in itself. The products resulting from this collaboration, such as E.g.

SCHUHBECKS electric spice grinder, SCHUHBECKS manual grinder or SCHUHBECKS universal grater consist the toughest missions in Alfons shoe’s star kitchen and his cooking school. The Spice Mills outfitted their high-quality ceramic grinder with a quality on which ad hoc 30 years warranty. Since even the Spice Pope can ‘ Alfons Schuhbeck, as Frank Kaltenbach (ad hoc Managing Director) in an interview with design3000. not resist the Pfefferkorn in the mill. And what has the master chef himself in use, allows for the stars access sure also some hobby cooking! ..Schuhbecks d3 is available the SCHUHBECKS series about at

Sunday, November 7th, 2021 News