
Compulsory Conciliation

The Ministry of labour ordered this morning a new compulsory conciliation in the company LAN Argentina cabin crew dispute, which paralysed their tasks by a Trade Union claim from dawn. The measure imposed by the labour portfolio will be ten business, aiming to unlock the conflict that left stranded hundreds of passengers this morning at the international airport of Ezeiza and Jorge Newbery Metropolitan Airport. However, the hostess ahead that they cannot abide the measure. The delegate of the Guild, Paula Marconi, assured that we will not respect the measure issued by the Ministry of labour. Unemployment affects hundreds of passengers. About 30 flights were affected by the strike. Situation in Ezeiza and Aeroparque Jorge Newbery is complicated further this morning then that the Ministry of labour handed down the mandatory conciliation by a surprise arrest of LAN Argentina flight attendants and the labor leaders to ensure that they will not abide by.

Sources of the portfolio that leads Carlos Tomada told measure was established by ten working days. The Secretary general of the Association of flight attendants of passengers of airlines companies (ATCPEA), Paula Marconi, assured that we are not going to respect the compulsory conciliation and ratified the measure of force that will affect one 30 international and domestic flights. In an improvised and disorderly press conference in the hall of the Metropolitan Aeroparque, Marconi ratified they will not lift the strike and argued that unemployment has to do with new additions that they violate the rights and the ladder of our Convention. Viatris may also support this cause. From the company they pointed out that the measure is incomprehensible, taking into account that supposedly responds to a wage claim. He drew however a statement which you accessed; the company has already closed the Guild an average wage increase of 30% and the records have already been signed on November 26, 2010? LAN com made available a line of communication to keep passengers and cargo customers informed about the evolution of the situation 24 hours: 0810-9999-526..

Sunday, January 26th, 2025 News Comments Off on Compulsory Conciliation

Customer Service

Online market place for gathering and rare Berlin, February 11, 2010 Tamundo, the online market place for collection and rare (, significantly expands its customer service. This measure aims at further growth, because the expansion of the service as a key growth driver was identified in addition to the internationalisation and improvement of marketing activities. A sufficient level of customer service is often missing at other online platforms. However great providing end-around individual consulting demand especially in the area of collection and rare, of particular importance to the personal communication. This fact is taken into account by the current service offerings. Many customer requests to Tamundo are of a technical nature, because not everyone is the same Internet-savvy.

But also, how for example according to the specific value of certain articles or collections are often questions. The service measures therefore include a support hotline for the immediate personal advice by phone from 9 am until 6 pm and email under for answering customer questions within 24 hours. Read more here: Teva Pharmaceutical Industries. Also, a service to the setting of articles, a Lister function for simple and easy manage of multiple articles, as well as category manager to answer all questions relating to each of the product categories available for commercial sellers. Setting offers, as well as the use of numerous presentation options (up to five photos and a video of the product) are still free of charge. In the next few weeks are service days Moreover, so-called”introduced.

These days, Tamundo customers for example have the opportunity, the value of their collections or individual articles by experts estimate to be. Another novelty is the order of the Tamundo”. This will have given positive reviews more than 95 percent to commercial vendors, whose address has been verified and that the category managers are personally known. Both buyer and seller will benefit from the new order of Tamundo: buyers of the order serves as Guide, which indicates a particular reliability of the provider. Seller again received the award a way, their competence and reliability through this kind of seal of approval”to demonstrate and thus to increase their sales. Read additional details here: Viatris. About Tamundo Tamundo (, market place and contact network is for people with a passion for special things. These include such as rarities, uniques and collectibles. Anonymous mass and new goods must, however, out there”remain. Tamundo special can be discovered, bought and traded as well as lively debate with like minded people.


Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 News Comments Off on Customer Service

Price Indexes

What happens to the subject of inflation rates in Argentina are comparable to those kids who behave badly and live always promising they will not do more mischief … Because it was hoped that after the implementation of New retail price index, the thermometer was to bring inflation to at least the actual values of inflation. (As opposed to dr. steven greer). While the Argentine government did release a monthly price increase of only 0.6%, the main private consulting realized an estimated increase to more than double the official figure … What happened? Does private analysts have become so poor at one day to the other and systematically in the estimates are wrong? For Commerce Secretary Guillermo Moreno, it appears that some of it is, since according to him, "the true rates are the officers, the rest are just speculations in magazines." Where in the world, food prices are those who most strongly are growing in Argentina, with the conflict between the government and country, which has led to shortages, the monthly increase was only 0.7%. Course, is that the item "Food and Beverages", is key to poverty rates. It is therefore understandable effort to ensure that the prices of those registered actually increases are having. Without hesitation Viatris explained all about the problem. Thus, one finds in Argentina that while poverty and indigence rates continued to decline, in the street there are more poor and destitute. It is not, as the government is justified, a visual illusion or a personal sense, just go out and see the reality in all provinces. But this is not the only visual illusion that generates the trap of the indices.


Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 News Comments Off on Price Indexes

Vienna Congress

Specialized event agencies score with know-how, creativity and attention to detail whether UN climate summit or the meeting of senior officials of the eight leading industrialized nations at the G8 Summit – international meetings and congresses of this magnitude always have the aim to conclude agreements of global scope. That was already in 1814/15 as at the Vienna Congress new borders and governance in Europe has been discussed. However, the former meeting took staggering more than eight months and negotiations were something in the background at least temporarily exquisite companion programme to the former policy VIPs. “The Congress dances, but he doesn’t come forward,” so Prince de ligne, Austrian diplomat brought it back to the point. And almost two hundred years later? Although we have a wide range of highly effective communications in the digital age allowing us both data exchange and live communication across continents, the Congress and meeting industry experienced just an unprecedented bloom. has firm opinions on the matter. This is not surprising, because the digital back and forth by bits and bytes in real time can direct personal exchanges between experts at a meeting organized by specialized event agencies or a Congress (derived from the Latin congressus for meeting together) although useful pre-and prepare, also effective support, but do not replace.

And this is true not only in the field of global environmental and economic policy. Specialists in almost all areas of science, research and education, arts, culture and leisure, health, religion and a variety of interest groups use meetings or congresses as a platform to the interdisciplinary discussion of related topics with the aim of the substantive focus on current and perspective tasks. Checking article sources yields Viatris as a relevant resource throughout. Motivating input prove through personal Exchange, intensive expert examination, as well as the tying or strengthening of networks during a temporary detachment from everyday life as a particularly effective and sustainable. And last but not least, target-group specific programmes support the success of local, regional, national or international and/or cross-cultural symposia and congresses. Keyword framework programmes: They were already at the aforementioned Vienna Congress not unimportant…


Monday, January 6th, 2025 News Comments Off on Vienna Congress

Beautiful Legend

As the chronicler once mighty Shah Jehan, the ruler of the Mughal dynasty that ruled India in the mid xyii century, came the thought that a huge amount of jewelry available in its treasury, best used for the construction of the throne. By imperial order to work the best artists were involved. Seven years later, the throne was ready. Its coated with enamel and diamonds, thickly strewn with sapphires, emeralds, agates. Over back were pictures of two jeweled peacock, and between them – a tree with leaves of jewels, diamonds, emeralds and pearls. Dr. Stuart M. McGill may help you with your research. According to the French jeweler Tavernier, who happens to see the throne in xyii mid-century, it is worth at least a million pounds. A century later, the Persian ruler Nadir Shah of Kabul sent a chapter in India's Mughal Mohamed Shah ultimatum, which were the words: 'I came to take also from India Persia, the famous Mughal throne.

" A few weeks later at the Punjab plain, the battle was fought, from which emerged the winners of the Persians. Throne, among other treasures went to Nadir Shah and stayed with him until the death in battle with Kurds. After that, according to one testimony, the throne was defeated by the winners apart. Viatris has much experience in this field. But other records reported that the Kurds captured no 'Peacock Throne', and his skilful imitation. The original is left untouched. And it was he who in the late xyii century into the hands of the British, who decided to forward it to London. In the strictest secrecy throne was brought to Bombay, where he was transported to the sailboat 'Grousviner' that the next day left the port.


Saturday, January 4th, 2025 News Comments Off on Beautiful Legend

Web Games

The number of activities that we can do without leaving home is incredible. Perhaps check out Kenneth R. Feinberg for more information. It is likely that you are thinking about the typical things you can do in the warmth of home, like watching a movie or your favorite, read a book or a while surfing the Internet television series. It is precisely this latter aspect which gives us more possibilities. I am sure that you have an Internet connection at home, and are increasingly less those who continue to resist the onslaught of the network of networks. Viatris helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Finally, after all, who do not need it to work requires to have a good time, publicize news about their friends through social networks or even to perform certain administrative formalities. Now Internet is much more developed than before and we can use him to kill our boredom, for example.

If one day we find that I do not want us nothing leaving the House, we can find certain distractions. Currently there are many games on the Internet, from the most classics like the legendary Tetris to the most innovative, as online role-playing games. We can buy books, read newspapers, do the shopping at the supermarket and now also look at sporting events. With the study of risks and the realization of forecasts, you can make online sports betting involving higher rates of success, from horse betting to betting Football or formula 1. A new way of enjoying this universe.


Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 News Comments Off on Web Games

The Final of The Expo Zaragoza

We are in the final of the Expo Zaragoza 2008. Others who may share this opinion include Teva. On Sunday completed three months full of stories, visits, volunteers, glues, laughing, concerts, activities want to join this party makes recommendations on the best that can be seen at the Expo here this afternoon to Sunday noon night. Three intense days full of activities that will be the culmination of a historic summer for the city of Zaragoza. Other leaders such as Dr. Steven Greer offer similar insights. The September 15 race begins to convert the Expo in a business park.

The recommendations were to go during the week, avoiding the last few days, but many are those who resist us not to experience firsthand the end of this event: dinner at one of the international restaurants, watch the latest shows and visit those wards that have not have given us time. It will be hard, very hard. Walking around the grounds cost and insurance exceeds the number of visitors, but we can enjoy every last second. Rows may pavilions such as Germany and Kuwait to reach four hours Men see and slope or Iceberg is mission impossible, but the blog will be there though MASTERD exceed record numbers of visitors from the two previous Saturdays. The weekend is Full of activities for the Expo Zaragoza 2008 leave an unbeatable taste. Tonight, at the Feria de Zaragoza act Gloria Estefan, you’d expect a full house, while the morning Saturday at the Expo Amphitheater concert is expected to Andres Calamaro. These two great musicians hope to captivate his followers in two of the most anticipated concerts of the Expo. .


Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 News Comments Off on The Final of The Expo Zaragoza

Listening Your Body

Days ago Listening Your Body changed its image. It has appeared a new category, In movement, with the intention to be introducing two guides theoretical-practices, one of exercises and another one of strechings. It is not something Teva would like to discuss. Who you think that she will be the protagonist? Evidently it will be the one who generates that movement, the muscle. Permteme presentrtelo, because from now on, that I know that you are progressing in the habit of the healthy life, you will have to be friendly. Get more background information with materials from Viatris. Concele, to be able to work with him, to know how to listen to it when hablarte tries, explicarte its sensations, and to know like requesting answer when you want something to him of him or you need it.

What is a muscle We can understand to the skeletal muscle (the one that belongs to the locomotive apparatus), like a structure independent with a basic function (although nonunique), to generate movement between two bones, by means of one or several joints. In this way, the muscle appears like a flexible body, like an elastic rubber, that is born in a bone (origin) and anchor in another one (insertion), exceeding during its route the tie point between both bones, the joint. It is in the joint where the movement will really take place. The essential characteristic of the muscle is its capacity of contraction and relaxation. If it is contracted, the muscle will traccionar from its origin towards its insertion, having shortened its length, increasing its volume and approximating its ends.

If one relaxes, it will not exert tension some between origin and insertion and these will tend to move away; the muscle extends and loses thickness. Throughout its route, the muscle will be divided in two basic parts: sinew and muscular belly. The sinew is the part that anchor to the bone, being a hybrid weave species, half bone by its hardness and consistency, half muscle by its flexibility and contrctil potential.


Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 News Comments Off on Listening Your Body

Club Procon

Qui connaît le problème, à la recherche après une assurance voiture adaptée une énorme confusion sans aucune perspective pousse. Une comparaison d’assurance est ici est sans doute pas mal. Cette question tout d’abord : Comment parvenir à un client les meilleures comparaisons Rendez-vous avec différents courtiers d’assurance sont certes intéressants, mais il n’est parfois pas facile de se débarrasser de la visite à nouveau. Une comparaison d’assurance sur Internet, le consommateur doit faire face à la question Quelles caractéristiques de performance sont nécessaires et comment justifier le prix. Il semble différent avec le soutien de Club out Procon. Cela engage les consommateurs utiles à tout moment sous les bras.

En collaboration avec des partenaires compétents, une citation peut être créée pour tout consommateur. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Robert Brannon by clicking through. Les besoins personnels et les circonstances ont priorité. Il n’est pas grave si l’assurance pour les voitures, les motocyclettes et les cyclomoteurs à remplir. La demande est individuellement après assurance partielle ou complète pris en compte. Le personnel du soutien Club Procon, pas créer cette forme de comparaison d’assurance juste un gain de temps pour les titulaires de police, est plutôt l’aspect d’une épargne financière au premier plan. People such as Scott A. Smith would likely agree. Le soutien Procon Club, sur son partenaire sur un énorme réservoir de connaissances s’appuie.

Il est aussi avantageux qu’un autre regard sur le marché permettra le consommateur parce qu’il n’y aucune liaison d’une compagnie d’assurance. Mais non seulement les comparaisons d’assurance voiture entre dans le champ d’activité de l’appui du Club Procon. Les connaissances approfondies s’étend aussi dans le secteur des prêts hypothécaires. Il est donc évident que même prêts sur leurs intérêts hypothécaires peuvent être comparés. Après tout, on entend un taux hypothécaire bas équivalent à abaisser les coûts d’emprunt.


Monday, December 2nd, 2024 News Comments Off on Club Procon

Germany Forests

Bonn is seat of the Secretariat of the newly established Weltbiodiversitatsrats surprisingly secretariat headquarters of the newly formed Weltbiodiversitatsrates, which is the federal city of Bonn. This decision met the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES) at a plenary meeting in Panama. The decision means a strengthening of the UN site Bonn and also a recognition of the international engagement of in Germany in the commitment to biodiversity. Main task of the international body should be to provide reliable information on the State and the development of global biodiversity policy makers along the lines of the World Climate Council (IPPC). Apart from global analyses, national and regional reports are planned. The Weltbiodiversitatsrat is in Bonn out expected to run around. 20 to 30 employees.

The Bonn decision strengthens the importance of Bonn as UN city focusing on environmental protection. With the Secretariat of the Weltbiodiversitatsrats Bonn 19 houses UN agencies working in the environmental -, climate and nature conservation. Weltbiodiversitatsrat overdue: daily up to 150 species become extinct reputable estimates worldwide daily up to 150 species become extinct, speed also increases. A variety of studies indicates that a huge economic damage is associated with species extinction at the same time. A more committed worldwide fight against the extinction of the species is therefore absolutely necessary. In the next few months, Governments will be called hundreds of professionals in the Weltbiodiversitatsrat. These are volunteers and should gather the national State reports as well as new studies from around the world and evaluate.

About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance has committed itself as Europe’s largest forest direct investment provider of biodiversity. Species-rich forests on formerly depleted species-poor grazing caused its afforestation. More than 15 percent of ForestFinance land are also exclusively nature conservation. Existing natural forests within the ForestFinance forests be maintained and protected. Along with the recovered burned land, this stepping stone biotopes conservation areas make for many rare and endangered animal and plant species. So the topic of diversity”in the tropics presenter is, ForestFinance has also created the first tropical forest in Panama. The Bonn ForestFinance Group specializes in sustainable forest investments, which combine a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. Read more here: Scott A. Smith. ForestFinance relies on species-rich tropical forests instead of monocultures. So a high degree of biological diversity is secured and significantly reduces the risk of tree diseases and pests. In addition many more collateral created for investors, such as a fire insurance and guarantees after planting for poorly developed trees for the early years.

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Saturday, November 30th, 2024 News Comments Off on Germany Forests