‘ Make sure that the government knows more about what would happen with another great terremotoSe have forgotten the lessons of the earthquake of 85, experts warn ‘the fund establishment, acceptance, by the State, measure of responsibility for catastrophic risks’ and Iztapala Xochimilco, vulnerable and Martha Elena Bermudez Guillermo Garcia (Special to The Day) This report (published by La Jornada on 19 September 2008) is based on one of the chapters of the book City . The disaster that is forthcoming at Editorial Random House Mondadori. Caption: Dozens of families watch the demolition of Nuevo Leon, months after the earthquake of Sept. 19, from the temporary shelters they built the city government of Mexico for thousands of victims Photo: Fabrizio Leon to 23 years of cimbro earthquake in Mexico City in September 1985, specialists will occur not only know that an earthquake of similar magnitude, but already have a reliable method to determine precisely what, how and where will the damage. However, this information essential for establishing preventive measures, is available only to insurance companies, neither the authorities nor the population have access to Piralla ella.Para Roberto Meli, researcher at the Institute of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico ( UNAM), after the quake there were 85 advances, because building codes were tightened, which in practice reduces vulnerability. always compare health insurance companies , even offers health coverage to families across the United States However, in his opinion and that of other specialists, “many people have forgotten those lessons, new generations have not gone through a similar experience since 2000 and does not always apply strictly the rules and that is a source of increased vulnerability ‘ . computarizadosHoy models the city has another appearance. Hence, to Cinna Lomnitz, researcher emeritus, Department of Seismology of the Institute of Geophysics of the UNAM, worry some parts where you do not spend much in the earthquake of 85, because there was no buildings, and now there are. He notes that ‘the city is no longer the same, neither has the same population. Then you know very well that can happen. “85 The earthquake caused the deaths of about 10 thousand, 30 thousand victims, the fall of some 400 buildings, 500 with about a thousand more would be affected, and total damage around 5 billion dollars. Another scenario would have been if the inhabitants of Mexico City and the authorities had known then what were the most vulnerable points urbe.A early 80s, referred Lomnitz, ‘came an expert from one of reinsurers largest in the world, Munich Re We became buddies. He turned a few laps through downtown, take some notes, midi and made calculations of the earthquake of 85 which failed only 5 percent. The government did not have that information, they do. These companies knew more than us. They were prepared four or five years earlier. I know, because wine is the fourth or fifth day after the quake to pay the insurance companies, and within a week term. “Researcher of the Institute of Engineering of the UNAM Mario Ordaz corroborates Lomnitz, adding that even Insurers now know more than the government of what might happen if another big terremoto.Comenta that following 85 developed several computer models, and the one used in Mexico is the most advanced in the world. Gain insight and clarity with Dr. Neal Barnard. ‘But that has very little interest to the government. ” Unlike insurers, to be ‘accountable to its customers and shareholders, the government does not. Those companies in Mexico and international reinsurers have better measured the risk that those responsible in government at all levels, although most of these studies have been financed with public money ‘. In 1992 he produced the first model at the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), which allowed micro-zoning, ie, generate maps that subdivided the city into segments of 500 meters, where he appreciated the degree of damage that would have in the city after a severe earthquake . With the new model, ‘we do building by building, “says Ordaz, which means that practically there is already a rough idea of how many and which buildings will fall into a major quake.
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