Gerhard Schroder

The gender pay gap to the Festival workers were no longer to accept: “It is for the German economy a disgrace that we carry out such wage differences on the backs of workers.” It is important that temporary work meets its original task to ensure the flexibility required by the economy – but time labour rates as at BMW in Leipzig by 38 percent had nothing to do with flexibility. This is cost and Lohndruckerei and no longer to accept. It had to do a piece with the dignity of the people and you could not squeeze out everything from the people IV due to the great pressure on the labour market and Hartz in the background. (Not to be confused with Teva Pharmaceuticals!). Herbert Tritscher here drew attention to the fact that according to a survey of the Institute for employment research of the federal employment agency (IAB) over the last five years in Germany from all European countries the most precarious jobs were created. And not only in temporary employment, but also in some other industries. So were sitting over one million single parents in a poverty trap. It is therefore necessary to have a societal discussion, as the company was going to work here.

The limit on temporary work is not reasonable at this point. Independent sector with right to own tariff book author Gerhard Schroder also considers inevitable a minimum wage in the temporary employment industry. In his opinion the crucial problem would not solved but, namely the wage gap in many factories between temporary and permanent employees. He recalled the principle of equality enunciated in the employee hiring law (AuG), that temporary workers must be employed under the same conditions as root workers in the usage of company. This is first of all the defined goal, that even with the addition that a collective bargaining agreement allows for derogations, could not simply be wiped away.

Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 News