Owner Maria

We could contenting in them when knowing that Jesus also suffered and ahead giving in them for satisfied of this Evangelho. PCRM is open to suggestions. If It who was the Son of God suffered, passed for provaes the more each one of us. However we can go beyond, to take off a deeper message of this evangelho therefore we can give attention in the attitudes of Jesus, to perceive as it ahead reacted of this situation of suffering and to learn with It. Looking at for the behavior of Jesus in this evangelho the first thing who we perceive is that Jesus slept calmante. Ahead of the problem Jesus it sleeps? More than what this it arises itself calmly and commands so that the Sea if calms. First lesson that we take off is that Jesus at any moment lost the calm, and this is basic at the difficult moments, therefore if I do not obtain to keep the calm I get worse the things very.

To know to breathe and to think to take the decision certain is maturity signal. Second lesson of Jesus is that it knew to look at for the side being enxergando the suffering of the disciples. Exactly being in difficulty Jesus it did not leave to perceive that others also suffered. When the suffering is very great, makes an enormous good to look at it side and to perceive that others already had passed for situations seemed ours. It fills our heart still more if we will have the courage to make something for the suffering it another one, therefore exactly that my heart is wounded when I help next I also I am being helped. Third and last lesson is the necessity of the faith therefore Jesus calls the attention the disciples therefore was men of little faith. In the situations most difficult of our life the Faith is basic: to believe God, to pray, and to leave that God gives in them forces at this moment are more than what necessary.

Saturday, May 8th, 2021 News