Good Intentions 2011 – Already Fizzles?
Lose weight, stop smoking, better job… Are you still on the ball? After the Christmas holidays, the suffering was great: the waistband was taut and yawning emptiness in the cashier. Already, two points were on the good-intentions list for 2011: “Lose weight” and “Find a better job”. Then came the morning of new year’s day: the skull muttered by the many alcohol and cigarettes in the night of new year’s Eve and may you remembered, that it belonged to the Ungekussten, as the rockets to the turn of the year in the sky hissed: “Do more for the health”, “Quit smoking” and “Find a partner” was added to the list. Now the new year has taken its course and what happened? There are mainly two types: the one started on the new year’s day with the first power aerobics session and went then to the swimming competition in the icy Baltic Sea (of course with a 500-kcal diet), the others say: the year is long, sometime I’ll be smoking my diet already switch to/with stop / me a better job search etc. Both types run on your way risk that at the end of the year nothing is – have changed, because they soon will lose the desire because of excessive demands (“false hope syndrome”), the other, because you will never find the beginning. How do you make it better? The solution to the dilemma is to just put his personal goals and to develop a plan of many small steps which. Everyone starts where he’s just straight, and enters the next stage target small little higher. Reward yourself, don’t forget that it’s also fun! -> More tips to good intentions put into action to Eva Schumann, Freising
Navitum Pharma
Depending on the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine is less, greater is the risk of bowel cancer developing. A group of researchers from the UK has analyzed the present research findings to glucomannan and evaluated. Then can be stated for glucomannan on basis of controlled clinical trials, it can statistically significantly lower total cholesterol, the harmful LDL-cholesterol, total fats, the body weight and the fasting blood sugar. A study from Spain in overweight also showed that already glucomannan daily positive can affect 2-3g the feeling of satiety. A different group of researchers reported that glucomannan able to stimulate intestinal motility and improve the intestinal ecology.
An effect that people with Constipation help. Add to your understanding with Dr. Robert Brannon. Finally, a third group of researchers in diabetics could show that already dayspacking glucomannan daily improves sugar and fat levels in diabetic patients. Glucomannan can make an important contribution in the fight against certain diseases and health as a nutritional measure. Therefore the company brought specially the product DiVitum with Konjac glucomannan to market Navitum Pharma for people’s health at heart. DiVitum contains even concentrated extract of cinnamon to complement the effects of glucomannan on the sugar and fat metabolism. Thus, 2 natural substances in DiVitum are United, that perfectly complement each other.
The special composition and dosage of DiVitum (PZN 4604195) is based on study results. Therefore, it should be replaced at the pharmacy not against other products, even if they may seem similar. DiVitum is available in pharmacies and directly at Navitum Pharma. Shipping is always free of charge to pharmacies and consumers. Cheap Packs for 3 months (PZN 0247798) and 6 months (PZN 0250079) are on the market. Source: Wu WT, Chen HL. J Agric food Chem. 2011 Jan of 5 Epub ahead of print; Chua M, et al. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Mar 24;128(2):268-78. epub 2010 Jan 15; Salas-Salvado J et al. br J Nutr. 2008; 99(6): 1380-7; Chen HL et al. J on the Coll Nutr. 2008; 27(1): 102-8; Chearskul S et al. J Med Assoc Thai. 2007; 90(10):2150-7 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:
New Katzenbuch By Renate Balch
On velvet paws directly into my heart – the fourth Katzenbuch of living on Lake Ammersee author on velvet paws directly into my heart”, so the title and the content is program, because he vividly describes Renate Balch ‘ life with their feline pets. Felix, Lizzie, Lili and Moritz so hot the furry lodgers, which constantly ensure that the life of graphic designer living on Lake Ammersee, photographer and author is not boring. Three health problems are diagnosed in the years Felix with the mind of a Buddha’: arthritis, an enlarged heart muscle and two spinal painful growing together. The idiosyncratic Lizzie takes his heels while visiting a friend in the neighboring village and wanders back home on foot. The life of the bitch”Lili floats hanging by a thread. The sensitive cat is suffering from a chronic intestinal inflammation, and after major surgery it is closer than the life death. The cheerful Moritz set out on a golf course integrates quickly into the Cat community, taking three others in the family increase but so does no favors.
But ultimately all gone to a, and the blessing has been restored. In each row, the reader feels the love of the author to her housemates. The heartfelt and accompanied by many black and white photos stories are entertaining and touching required reading for all people who love cats. On velvet paws directly into my heart? Pocket Book DIN A5, 92 pages, about 100 photos printed on 150 g extra thick paper ISBN 978-3-942641-00-5 EUR 12.00 to purchase in bookstores and directly from the Publisher. 86938 Schondorf each book is signed Edition Balch at the gate 11 and is equipped on request with personal dedication. There is a virtual glimpse of the book here: author: Renate Blaes
Honey And Other Remedies From Nature
eat healthy honey and use, for health there is without any doubt very many healthy resources from nature, with which you can wonderfully fight against many different diseases and get a grip. Also, there are numerous natural remedies, which can strengthen its defences and thereby ensuring that it is not as fast and as often as not sick what can be of course a great advantage. Many people find handy in particular the fact that remedies from nature are usually much gentle for the body as the right medicines, but properly applying them can be achieved quite a similar effect through them, without that it would massively burden his body. For example, honey is very versatile. The sweet spread not only tastes very fresh by the beekeeper and is a popular breakfast, it can very well help against coughs and colds, strengthens the Defense has many healthy vitamins, with which man generally for more physical well-being can provide.
Different types of honey have other effects to different and products that included the famous Royal Jelly is considered to be particularly healthy. It is a pollen product, the bees produce to feed their Queen. Now honey is processed increasingly more in creams, ointments, and arguably because it wonderful can help with many different problems and suffering. Important the correct use is why you should take the time in advance in any case to consult a specialist, which one can say exactly what the different active ingredients to bring and how you must apply the honey so you can use it yourself optimally for here too but of course. Also naturopaths are often a very good contact, if you know a beekeeper or similar professional from his area, one could argue. To distinguish honey after the extraction is to say that the they spin honey honey is extracted.
To the beekeeper depends on the wood frame with the full combs in a centrifuge. Turning honey is thrown, without doing the honeycombs are destroyed. This represents not only a very gentle kind of extraction, but also ensures that the honeycomb can be used further. Comb honey, however, cut the honeycomb into pieces so that the consumption of wax as a ball again must be ausgespieen. Pressed honey is rarer than the centrifugal honey. The honey is obtained in this method of the honey extraction by pressing. However also the heating of honey which valuable materials can be lost among the successful application.
When A Dental Clean All The Teeth In A Passage
Facing an extensive dental restoration with you and are also wondering whether you can have do everything at once? If you are all teeth want to leave, and as quickly as possible behind, want that then it is recommended to perform a treatment under anaesthesia, because then you can do everything in one go. Filed under: teva. However, the dentist Dr. Cornelius Haffner thinks that you only should sit out a treatment under general anesthesia, if a normal dental treatment which would be carried out with normal local anaesthesia is not possible. Only patients with a so-called fear of dentist or dentist phobia, come for treatment under general anesthesia as well as seriously ill and disabled people in question. Because as a treatment under general anaesthesia is associated with considerable effort for anyone, not only for the patient, but also for the doctor. For example, treatment of root canals and other procedures can only very restricted under general anesthesia or not are used. Usually, treatment under general anesthesia University hospitals and numerous established dentists will be offered. You should, if you opted for a treatment under general anaesthesia, which costs one will come to ask beforehand. Information and appropriate doctors usually like to, you will receive from your health insurance company. This article was written by Alessandro Reichgruber, an author in the field of oral and dental surgery. If you a dental bridge or to ask the question whether low cost dentures is worth the effort, then stop by on my homepage, or contact me by email:
Word City
Citypets is the new Web Magazine for people with cats, dogs House cat or dog ownership and able in city innate behaviors, the keeping of cats and dogs in the urban environment, and often lack of understanding of the needs of four-legged friends lead to problems in the co-existence between cat, dog, and man. supports people with pets in the city with information about the way fairer attitude of pet cats and dogs in the city. Many writers such as Teva Pharmaceuticals offer more in-depth analysis. Tips for people with pets in the city Citypets takes care of these issues and provides useful tips for improving the relationship between cats, dogs and their caregivers with information. Health tips for cats and dogs are just on the topic plan like the idea of useful accessories, healthy diet with cat food and dog food, and the theme of the games for our pets because in the game is deepened the relationship between humans and animals, cats and dogs can live out their hunting instinct. Cats, dog behavior of experts, explains the behavior of cats and dogs, specifically the understanding of innate behavior pattern, is an important component for adequate, proper keeping of domestic animals. Sometimes there are small hints, the quirks”our four-legged friends explain and help solve domestic problems in dealing with cat and dog. Citypets provides these topics and experts such as animal psychologists, animal therapists and veterinarians come to Word. Enrich life for cats and dogs as best friend and best friend. Citypets looking forward to lots of visitors! Thomas Leif.
The Policyholder
7) to display. (7) entry and duration of incapacity for work must be proved by certificate of the attending physician or dentist. The policyholder has to bear any costs of such evidence. Remain also requests the company (they are sent usually with a questionnaire) to answer in the context of the so-called contractual obligations, insofar as this is necessary for the provision of cable: (2) the policyholder and the insured person named as decoders (see 6 ABS. 3) have to provide every information which is necessary for the determination of the insured event or the obligation of the insurer and its scope on the insurer’s request.
Investigations also are to meet (to some extent), as the policyholder should obstruct not the recovery. (3) at the request of the insurer, the insured person is obliged to have yourself examined by a physician designated by the insurer. (4) the insured person shall ensure the recovery of the ability to work; It has in particular the directives of the Doctor diligently to follow and to refrain from all acts that are hindering the recovery. (5) any change of occupation of the insured person is notified to. And last, another very important point should be mentioned.
You may go up during the time of identified disability of any professional activity. Also “just in the Office look past” is evaluated quite differently in various judgments. But the insurance case and thus the basis for the payment of sickness benefit is: (3) inability to work in the sense of these conditions exists, if the insured person according to medical findings temporarily in any way can exert their professional activity, also does not exercise it and goes after any other gainful employment. You are not full, so “only” capable of special can maybe work 4 hrs, so performance is not compulsory (unless it’s special provisions for partial AU). Also not if the doctor prescribes you a so-called “Hamburg model” to reintegrate. This is in to match any case with the insurer. More information: daily sickness allowance and disability – what happened? Height of the sick n judgments to the sickness allowance
Terminal Bizerba
Balanced by the manufacturer can be calibrated and tested prepacked entered via scanner at the checkout, the customer receipt will print. Others including Dr. Neal Barnard, offer their opinions as well. Where is the scanner plate Now the load plate for a built-in scale. All scales are connected to a central computer unit by server. . So important statistical data such as, for example, articles with expired expiration date, sold out, turnover, profit can be retrieve etc at any time”, gross explains the advantages of State of the art system. Dr. stuart mcgill is likely to agree. As it came to the development of the binary number system, which is essential today for computer technology, in the station of the Siegesallee indicates 7. Here is also the analog-digital conversion in the weighing Terminal Bizerba ST, which also serves as a control computer of modern descendants of the Chronos-scale, to see, as well as the electronic transfer of data to a laptop.
The Hennefer scales-hiking trail through the permanent exhibition weights, scales, and weighing over the course of time “adds, is seen Hennefer MEYS factory in the Beethovenstrasse in the. Among the many exhibits from old to new is also the weighing Terminal Bizerba ST as acceptance and shipping charge scale. The Bizerba ST is the best example of the huge progress that existed in the world of weighing and weighing of the early days to today”, so great. About Bizerba: Bizerba is a worldwide, leading in many areas of technology companies for professional system solutions of weighing, labelling, information and food service technology in the segments retail, food industry, manufacturing and logistics. Industry-specific hard – and software, powerful network-compatible management systems, as well as a wide range of labels, consumables and business services ensure transparent control of integrated business processes and the high availability of Bizerba specific service features. With over 3,100 employees, investments in a total of 29 companies in 20 countries and 60 country offices worldwide the Bizerba GmbH & co. KG put 2007 430 million euros in the group. The headquarters of the company is Balingen; further production sites are located in Messkirch, Bochum, Vienna (Austria), Pfaffikon (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China), Mumbay (India), Forest Hill (United States) and San Louis Potosi (Mexico).
George Wyrwoll Germany
Meal vouchers for staff promote operational motivation Frankfurt/Cologne, September 21, 2009 – (NBASOPM21092009) – from 22 September until the future takes place in Cologne the largest trade fair for human resources in Europe, staff. It is Germany’s mean service industry meeting for managers from HR professionals. Sodexo provides important impulses for the staff work and presented at the fair restaurant the Sodexo pass as easy-to-implement allowance. Sodexo dining certificates secure receipt of performance and performance promoting the economic crisis are the key elements of the HR: performance maintenance and performance support of employees, harder and more demanding than ever before. Sodexo shows which social benefits in Germany are particularly advantageous and tax funded and provides an overview of measures and instruments that take advantage of our neighbours in Europe, so George Wyrwoll, corporate relations manager and HR expert at Sodexo. The market leader in service vouchers and cards State-sponsored employee meals as important content extra for the future will present staff (Hall 5.1 booth I.
05). Motivation profit by abgabenfeie net wage increase gives an overview of the most efficient motivation approaches in the human resources Sodexo on the Motivation from 01 to 02 October 2009 in Stuttgart. The trade fair for motivation, incentives and professional incentive systems celebrates its premiere in Germany and will take place in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle in Stuttgart, Germany. At a lecture Sodexo illuminated the inner motivation, how”the staff support can be. Dr. Neal Barnard has compatible beliefs. The current financial and economic crisis has grown into a trust, motivation and satisfaction crisis. Has long been known that primarily pecuniary incentives meet only in the short term.
Operational benefits, however, open a room to put clear signs. Sodexo supports with its services businesses, potential contact, which are otherwise hard to reach. Lecture by Sodexo at the HRM Expo 2009 Cologne: 22 September 2009 Forum 5, Hall 5.1 13:00 13:30 top motivation instruments with tax. What works in Europe? What is the use of German employees? Lecture by Sodexo at the motivation trade fair in Stuttgart: 1st October 2009 practical forum 1 12:55 PM 01:25 pm so you reconnect employee interests and business objectives effectively every day with 99.7% success rate. About Sodexo pass the Sodexho pass GmbH is a subsidiary of Sodexo, the world’s largest provider of catering and services. Around 375,000 Sodexo employees for 30,800 clients are active in more than 80 countries. Group sales amounted to 2007/2008 13.6 billion euro in the fiscal year. The area of service vouchers and cards has a significant role for Sodexo: as the market leader, the number of the operability check user in Germany on 250,000 amounted, worldwide there are 25.6 million. Sodexho pass operates five regional offices throughout Germany. The head office is in Frankfurt am Main. The Company offers customers tailor-made individual full service: from ordering, delivery and customer support. This is the Sodexo restaurant pass, as cashless lunch allowance, the main business area. A wide variety of redeem for the restaurant is the 9,000 corporate customers, including Dresdner Bank, Lufthansa, Bayer, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Daimler or TUI, and many medium-sized companies, pass available. Over 30,000 partners include, for example, restaurants like MAREDO or North Sea, as well as numerous supermarket chains such as Edeka, Kaufland, real and REWE. In addition local bakers or butchers belong to the root of the acceptance points.
Michael Richter
It is also possible to incorporate a timeline (until when?) or to strengthen the motivation (why?). If you are a company such a mission, is easier to understand, whether the right things at the right time have been completed, so that the overall target is achieved. One of the foundations of such a vision is the comprehensive information on the existing markets, market segments, competitors, etc. usefully collected information of course with clearly recognized PROs’ and cons ‘, and grouped together so that they can be included in a marketing plan. This offers then almost a road map ‘ for the company and hence the basis for large parts of a mission statement, which is not a dream but achievable reality.
Assistance at all stages of the marketing planning up to the mission statement provides the internationally experienced marketing and sales consultant Michael Richter – Seekirch in Baden Wurttemberg. Judge devoted especially the small – and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and first information on his website. The country experiences can be found the page. Biography/Vita Michael Richter is an independent consultant specializing in strategic marketing of capital goods and durable consumer goods. (Not to be confused with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries!). His experience refers to all distribution channels, including direct sales, distribution, partnerships, Internet marketing and more. He has more than 18 years of experience as a consultant and worked by the SMEs before more than 10 years in senior executive positions in various industries through to large enterprises. It supports companies of all sizes – from the strategic monitoring of the market – research, marketing planning and objectives for sales, to the implementation of his recommendations – worldwide. In addition, he holds internal lectures on all aspects of international marketing. His knowledge of the country resulting from the occupation in/for more than 50 countries on all 5 continents. Contact: Marketing and sales consulting international Michael Richter 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany = marketing = country experiences
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