Real House

Ademais the city counted on two members of the house of representatives of a Haroldo side Heifer, elect as expression of this movement of change, and Pliny elect Pine with what still it had of capital politician of the oligarchies of the castanhais and the pecuaristas. The manifestation of the city hall in relation to the information demanded for legislative the state one would not be enough to create a nuisance politician to the emancipation processes. However, the mayor answers informing that in the locality of Curionpolis, a consisting urban nucleus of five a thousand residentials existed more and commercial and giving continuation to the attendance of the directed request it continues informing that the annual income of the town of Curionpolis in the 1985 exercise, corresponded the six Real million. This micron region would pass for another process of emancipation, resulting in the creation of two new cities, of this time they would be the young cities of Parauapebas and Curionpolis that would pass for a process of territorial division the proposal of creation of the city of Cana of the Carajs was presented in the form of project of law for then the member of the house of representatives Joercio Barbalho, after to receive representation subscribed for 123 inhabitants from the district, demanding the emancipation of the locality in relation the Parauapebas and the creation of the new city. In this period it exerted the first vice-presidency and the former-member of the house of representatives Ronaldo Passarinho the presidency of the house. In the arguments presented in the law project, he says that if manifest to take care of ' ' the forceful apelos of the diverse segments of povo' '. Thus it is exempted to possess any individual interest, placing itself only as instrument of the collective will, particularly the population of that locality, according to it such measure would go to take care of to the interests of the resident population, that would hold 15,000 inhabitants, of which 2,500 would be small agricultural proprietors. .

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021 News