Right Duty

Such conclusion directly finds support in the transformations verified in the State contemporary – to leave of what the information passed to be seen as value, and the will as material element of the performance of the citizens. THE RIGHT OF IF INFORMING. It is a right of any citizen, excepted the sigilosos data of third, rank that interpolated proposition XIV of the CF/1988, alleges that the information and protected the secrecy of the source is assured to all the access, when necessary to the professional exercise and in the case of negatory, the habeas dates are the legal remedy for the solution of the problem. THE RIGHT OF BEING INFORMED. This right has as characteristic main a duty of the other being informed in any relation either it of consumption, either through the public agencies and in this direction Rizzato Nunes thus assevera on the substance: Basically great text establishes the duty to inform that it has the public agencies. In what it refers to the right to inform in general of the people and of the legal people with private legal nature, is the Code of Defense of the Consumer. that it establishes such obligatoriness to the supplier.

In view of Law N. 8,078/90, it is born as we saw of the determination constitutional that compel the one that is made the defense of the consumer, implanted in way to a series of principles, all interpreted and applicable of harmonic form, do not remain doubt of that the duty to inform only could be tax to the supplier (course of Right of the Consumer, 6 Ed. P. 98. 2011). If these principles were not enough to all constitutional and infraconstitutional, the citizen still faces barriers when she wants to get information for its protection. Inconceivable in the world contemporary who still if admits the enganosa information, the lack of information and the negatory one in yielding them.

Thursday, February 4th, 2021 News