
An example clearly of this is the done investments aiming at its control (prevention and treatment) is inversely proportional to the fast progression of violence and of the most different types of trauma. But in the end of the decade of 1940, the pioneers of the study of the trauma had demonstrated that although the obviously different results the illness and the trauma if hold in similar way. Both require the presence of the three elements of the triad epidemiologist and therefore both are treated as such. The following item must interact so that an illness occurs: (1) an agent who cause the illness; (2) one ' ' hospedeiro' ' in which the agent can inhabit; (3) an appropriate environment in which the agent and the host can interact. The trauma is proceeding from the action of known etiolgicos agents, it demands specific attitude and therapeutical procedures, and, above all for being evitvel. The ample variability of trauma causes represents initially a great obstacle in the study and its prevention. It is one of the main causes of death in the Country, being that in the regions south and Southeastern, where the number of people with more age is bigger it occupies the third place enters the causes of morbidade mortality preceded only for malignant the cardiovascular and neoplasias illnesses.

This fact is confirmed, therefore the number of case of trauma in people above of fifty years is great in which the present study is confirmed. FISIOPATOLOGIA OF the TRAUMA the term ' ' traumatismo' ' one mentions the local and general consequncias to it of the trauma for the structure and the functioning of the organism. Metabolic reply with the phases compensatory and restabilizao compensatory Phase This phase occurs after the trauma immediately, lasting between 24 and 48 hours. In the phase of compensatory of the metabolic reply to the trauma, characterized for choque* (Phase daily pay-reanimao), it occurs hipometabolsmo, hipotermia, reduction of the calricas, normal glucose production, light, hiperglicemia catabolismo proteinic, catecolaminas necessities increased, insulina decrease, glucagon raised, low cardiac debit, deficient tecidual perfuso. .

Friday, January 8th, 2016 News