
Germany Forests

Bonn is seat of the Secretariat of the newly established Weltbiodiversitatsrats surprisingly secretariat headquarters of the newly formed Weltbiodiversitatsrates, which is the federal city of Bonn. This decision met the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES) at a plenary meeting in Panama. The decision means a strengthening of the UN site Bonn and also a recognition of the international engagement of in Germany in the commitment to biodiversity. Main task of the international body should be to provide reliable information on the State and the development of global biodiversity policy makers along the lines of the World Climate Council (IPPC). Apart from global analyses, national and regional reports are planned. The Weltbiodiversitatsrat is in Bonn out expected to run around. 20 to 30 employees.

The Bonn decision strengthens the importance of Bonn as UN city focusing on environmental protection. With the Secretariat of the Weltbiodiversitatsrats Bonn 19 houses UN agencies working in the environmental -, climate and nature conservation. Weltbiodiversitatsrat overdue: daily up to 150 species become extinct reputable estimates worldwide daily up to 150 species become extinct, speed also increases. A variety of studies indicates that a huge economic damage is associated with species extinction at the same time. A more committed worldwide fight against the extinction of the species is therefore absolutely necessary. In the next few months, Governments will be called hundreds of professionals in the Weltbiodiversitatsrat. These are volunteers and should gather the national State reports as well as new studies from around the world and evaluate.

About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance has committed itself as Europe’s largest forest direct investment provider of biodiversity. Species-rich forests on formerly depleted species-poor grazing caused its afforestation. More than 15 percent of ForestFinance land are also exclusively nature conservation. Existing natural forests within the ForestFinance forests be maintained and protected. Along with the recovered burned land, this stepping stone biotopes conservation areas make for many rare and endangered animal and plant species. So the topic of diversity”in the tropics presenter is, ForestFinance has also created the first tropical forest in Panama. The Bonn ForestFinance Group specializes in sustainable forest investments, which combine a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. Read more here: Scott A. Smith. ForestFinance relies on species-rich tropical forests instead of monocultures. So a high degree of biological diversity is secured and significantly reduces the risk of tree diseases and pests. In addition many more collateral created for investors, such as a fire insurance and guarantees after planting for poorly developed trees for the early years.

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Saturday, November 30th, 2024 News Comments Off on Germany Forests

Ordinance: Federal States Want To Consistently Against Recycling

Dual launch quality offensive Bonn/Berlin, August 2009 – the Bonn waste expert Sascha warned months ago shoe, Managing Director of the consulting firm of Ascon, prior to the softening of the recycling obligation for used packaging. The prohibition of so-called auto disposal systems system directly from canteens, hotels, cinemas or supermarkets a collected packaging waste in competition with dual is completely crashed. With the many industry solutions as an alternative to auto disposal systems, the Novella is enough space to smile. Offers enough possibilities, for a license dumping’. Gain insight and clarity with Dr. Steven Greer. No limits are the imagination in reducing disposal fees for dual systems who need to acquire the packaging waste from household close. The royalties for plastic packaging cost just three years ago at DSD officially almost 1300 Euro per ton.

Today it gets to prices of 650 euros per tonne is whispered. Mix about 15 percent industry solutions is a Price per ton of plastic packaging by just more than 500 euros. 65 percent less than three years ago and already long no longer working”, asserted in shoe an interview with NeueNachricht. Tons make up removal, transportation to the sorting plant, sorting of residual waste disposal and recycling. Everything for a dumping price of 500 euros. Now all companies on the economic crisis, lack of sales and full courts complain.

There no backlash more for the recycling of packaging. Prices have collapsed, recovery alone happened to more than 30 percent more expensive over the past three months,”white shoe. With the license of dumping for plastic, a reputable disposal was no longer to afford. Disposal scandals threatened again as in the 1990s. If the legislature does not quickly intervenes, the packaging recovery will collapse and there ecologically questionable disposal methods”, fears shoe. According to media reports, the ministries of the environment of the countries want to control against now. So six provinces should consider the approval for the collection and sorting of packaging waste to withdraw a number of vendors. It was not only the lack of coverage, which disapproves of trade officials, also of Ascon Chief Schuh complained about industry solutions will be taken now more closely scrutinized. “” It could not go on, with virtual “concepts of the cost of the household household disposal over to cheat”. It was agreed already waste (LAGA) in the federal countries – community, part on the finger to knock most of the previously approved system providers”. A working group of dual systems under the umbrella of the Federal Association of the German waste management industry (BDE) has therefore launched a quality offensive. Only if able us with sustainable quality, with the packaging industry to a common understanding to find uniform assessment standards and the shoulder to shoulder, there is a realistic chance, a low-cost existing competitive packaging disposal for the future to make sure, as an opinion of the BDE working group.

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Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 News Comments Off on Ordinance: Federal States Want To Consistently Against Recycling

Outdoor Fitness Training

He is so pleased about gifts that support his lifestyle and his noble aspirations and not sink. Local nature reserve offer so please no travel to a tasting in a large mass animal husbandry plant including SUV tour through’s.” As a good way, Julia sees the dematerialisation. From an outdoor fitness training on a knitting class to a private concert by the Berlin pub choir, there are many resource-poor activities, one can give urban eCos. And if you would like to present material on the most useful. There are theories that say that about 30 percent of our consumption are not happiness-promoting, but simply superfluous. “A beautiful nature certified shower gel, a simple organic cotton T-Shirt or a good organic wine for intended use.” Design tip from Dorothea Hess, working group design & sustainability in the Alliance of German designers Dorothea Hess, founding member of working group design & sustainability in the Alliance of German designers (AGD) appeals to the responsibility of the designer: you are to a large extent responsible for this, as our world becomes. The Charter for sustainable design of the AGD, contains important basic knowledge and provides a practical framework for action.” The Charter recommends to ensure among other things already in the design phase to material efficiency and on the choice of human – and environment-friendly materials. Also a low-waste and waste abatement and energy-saving production methods should be sought.

More tips for design lovers: when the purchase of stationery on recycled paper. Agendas, notepads or letter paper, those who access to relevant papers, protects environment and climate. And in a larger degree than thought: who uses three DIN A4 sheets of recycled paper instead of fresh pulp paper, saves the energy for the BREW a pot of coffee. “And who uses recycled paper 6 DIN A4 sheets, saves a whole liter of water.” The institution that has determined for energy and environmental research Heidelberg.

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Sunday, October 25th, 2020 News Comments Off on Outdoor Fitness Training