home and family
Higher Parents
A guardianship over- deprive him of the opportunity to be independent. The higher the level fenced off and the elevation of the mother, the lower the level of confidence in his teenage and higher expression of the mercy of public opinion, and a heightened sense of guilt. On the other hand, the higher the level of positive interest to parents of teenagers, the higher the willingness to help others, the more developed his sense of responsibility. The more the mother takes the ratio of the adolescent as a small child, the more he defends his own independence, maturity through intolerance to criticism, to reassess their own capabilities, expression of feelings of superiority over others, excessive insistence, unfriendliness, lack of restraint and temper. Although the emotional instability is also influenced by such factors associated with rapid physical development at this age – the difficulty in functioning heart, lungs, blood supply to the brain. Therefore, for adolescents is characterized by changes in blood pressure, fatigue, mood swings and hormonal storm consequence of which is imbalance.
The ratio of boy to himself as an adult is called the 'sense of adulthood. " This desire is that all treated him not as a small, but as an adult. A sense of adulthood and is manifested in the pursuit of independence, the desire to protect certain aspects of his life from interfering with their parents. The teenager, thinking myself a unique person, at the same time tends outwardly no different from their peers. A typical feature of adolescents is conformity – imitation. The desire to merge with the group, does not stand out, meet security needs. Sometimes teenagers mimic the behavior of a significant person, usually the father.
In case of insufficient criticality teenager, his lack of independence in the judgments of role model can have a negative impact. If parents filed a bad example with regard to alcohol, the adolescent becomes a norm of behavior frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. Peter Arnell will not settle for partial explanations. Moreover, this example of parents making the treatment of alcoholism is a complex process because it is deeply imprinted in the minds of such behavior as the norm. In the most important thing children do inherit the values of parents. 'Spheres of Influence' parents and peers delineated. Usually transmitted from parents to fundamental aspects of social life. With peers the same advice about 'immediate' issues. However, relations with peers for adolescents are more significant than in adults because it is social isolation from their teenage family genealogy. Adolescence is a period of stormy inner feelings and emotional difficulties. Teenagers are sometimes shy and attach great importance to shortcomings of their appearance and behavior, which leads to a reluctance to meet with some people. Sometimes anxiety paralyzes the social life of a teenager so that he rejects most forms of group activity. According to a survey conducted among adolescents, every 12th to the head came the idea of suicide. Behavioral abnormalities characteristic of almost all adolescents. Characteristics of this age – the sensitivity, mood swings, fear of ridicule, reduced self-esteem. The majority of children over time, this runs by itself, some also need the help of a psychologist. There are trainings on personal growth that will help teenagers to develop healthy self-esteem and its relationship with the outside world. Of course, it is very important remains the preservation of contact between teens and parents, which is achieved by striving for mutual understanding and respect for the feelings and views of each other.
Columbus is discovered not only America, but also smokes (tobacco)! Both, you know what the! The woman has reduced ability to conceive. In men, reduced sperm motility, decreased ability to fertilize. This data is foreign statistics. Too many pregnant women quit smoking for yourself, without going to any particular victims. This is a normal reaction expectant mother to tobacco smoke. Typically, a woman did not smoke during pregnancy and lactation, but then again, this habit makes itself felt. Without hesitation Dr. Neal Barnard explained all about the problem.
But some women continue to smoke even during pregnancy, ie, the need to smoke them remains, and it is so high that even care about the health of her child did not "outweigh". Smoking, especially after the fourth month of pregnancy, can cause serious complications such as uterine bleeding, premature separation of child seats preterm rupture of membranes and, finally, miscarriage and premature birth (physicians believe that smoking is the cause of them in 14% of cases). Smoking is, undoubtedly, affects the development of the child in the womb. Since Nicotine is a spasm of blood vessels, including vessels and the placenta, maternal smoking leads to disruption of the exchange of nutrients and oxygen between the mother and fetus. This leads to delayed fetal development, children are often born with low birth weight, and sometimes these children long runs "of neonatal jaundice. In addition, children of smoking mothers are more susceptible to respiratory diseases and increasingly the victims of "sudden infant death syndrome." A what happens when you smoke a nursing mother? Nicotine reaches the baby through the milk. They usually have such a child is lowered immunity. It is more susceptible to colds. The baby is disturbed sleep, it is more capricious.
Relationship Perception
The principle of consciousness and activity. In the process of educating and re-logoritmicheskogo persons with speech disorders is important to rely on conscious and active attitude of the child, an adult (in respect of children who stutter from school age) to their activities. Independent, vigorous activity a child is dependent on the emerging interest in proposed task, conscious of his perception, understanding the purpose and method of execution. Active pre-school children in classes logoritmicheskih stimulated emotional teacher, imaginative music various games and gaming techniques and exercises. The school and adulthood, in addition, uses direct instruction (command, the elements of competition, promotion, etc.). The principle of visibility leads to widespread interaction parameters of all the analyzers, directly linking the man with the surrounding reality. Any knowledge begins with sense perception. Formation of movements in combination with the word and music, study of their relationship with performance by all receptor organs of vision, hearing, vestibular, proprioceptive, motor vehicles, etc.
The relationship of indicators of different receptors enriches image motion, its perception and its relation to speech and music. When disturbed functions, in order to correct, the principle of clarity is done by showing the teacher movement. Direct visual clarity is designed to the emergence of aesthetic perception, a particular view of motion, the correct sense of movement and the desire to play it. In addition to direct visualization, plays an important role mediated visibility when it is necessary to clarify some details and mechanisms of motion, which are hidden from direct perception (eg, films, motion graphics, sound recordings of musical works to work with adults stutter, patients with aphasia). Of great importance is a figurative word, which is associated with movement ideas and causes the concrete image of the movement. This relationship forms visibility is determined by the unity of the sensuous and the logical levels of knowledge, interaction between the first and second signal systems.
In the exercise of my profession, volume contact almost that daily with children whose families are esfaceladas. Generally children of adolescent girls, just exits of infancy and that they still do not understand or had not learned as to exert its papers of mother. They still allege to be very young to lose the youth being taken care of of a son who came for accident, normally in virtue of acts practised in the exercise what they call sexual freedom. Many times, these mothers at least know who are the father of the son for generated them, since, in the exercise of its modernity, they possess some sexual partners, fact who places in them in an impasse in the hour to initiate a search of the paternity. PCRM may also support this cause. To the times, it is as to look needle in a palheiro.
In any way, these children are growing, the least physically, since the mothers cannot steal themselves of such obligation. He happens that, when having contact with them during some time, I perceive in some of these children, a certain frieza, an absence of some feelings to detonate somebody with the same naturalness with that we take a water cup, demonstrating a complete absence of humanity and solidarity feeling. Interested party, I started to observe with more depth the daily relationship of such children with its parents. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jeffrey Bauer, PhD.. I started to notice that such relation if establishes more in an obligation of if desincumbir of a bothering task of what properly in a love feeling. It seems that at some moment of the past, some simple rituals had been left of side> or type that, scientifically prepared to substitute maternal milk. She is not well thus. Whenever we see a mother to hold its child in the col to give of breast, we have the impression of that all the forces of the universe if concentrate and flow directly through its seios for those eager mouths for the vital food. Robert Rimberg Lawyer is a great source of information.
Wedding Anniversary Holiday
It seems that until recently were all shouting, "Kiss!", As it turns out that since the birth of the family has already passed a whole year. Year of new possibilities, new experiences, new joys … The first year of marriage. Of course, "Honeymooners" must be congratulations. But how? On the one hand, and the festival seems to be just them, a family, on the other – have left those "wedding-anniversary" tradition, which can be guided. All this is not the case. First of all, the wedding day is born family, happy birthday, how not cool, accepted congratulations and all times.
Second, to "remember" the name of today and what you need to give not so difficult. Call 1-Year together a life lived cotton wedding started by tradition to give this day the young married couple "in the cotton diapers": in ancient times to the first anniversary of the family have probably been waiting for the firstborn. Now, by the way, again becomes relevant: in fact, many couples live in a long time civil marriage and place "stamp in the passport," only with the advent of a new family member in my mother's "tummy." As for the gift itself better to print just do not give. Products from this tissue after the first few washings lose their initial form and become quite "ferial." So, for today, the term "calico" can be extended to the concept of "textiles". In other words, you can choose to present new curtains, which diversify the interior of the family "Fortress" of the pair, or a rug under which it will be possible to hide the cold winter evenings together and once again feel the happiest people on earth.
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