The Magic

Why wander in the distance, if the good is so close! And what we don’t do, alone, as do. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with mens weight training. “So I’m sorry to hear it: we need for, we gather, we want, we make bei…und they are not?” I’m not going to work in other gardens: because my daughter 14 and even I fear that a crazy error-driven young man at her school is a massacre. because at their indoor swimming pool & school more Demand for rehabilitation. because she do not know what will become of her in this country and they is not an isolated case, because this is the situation for millions of other people here. because even in the homes of her friends naked chaos reigns, just not to hold out, just to run away, just to lock out: permanent diseases, alcohol, stress, Arbeistlosigkeit, Hartz so and so, bankruptcy.

These are my arguments. Typical of Berlin! No, but results of wrong decisions! I think it’s very, very sad, disturbing, frightening, and it gives me pause. The magic words are yet known: self-responsibility self-initiative self-confidence as we in self responsibility should go create something good on its own, believe in ourselves, trust our individual abilities and furthermore happy when we perceive that we do so with respect to space, not all opportunities time, space, possibility and opportunity. Look at home on the dirt rather than to get rid of him is of course much easier than with a to be white vest celebrated as shining clean throughout the world as a hero. YES WE CAN DO IT who does not well that is…? And if everything about us is again molte bene for all we may like to plant gardens on the Moon by heart or in haste not heard I know not where! “That has no selfishness to do not know God, that is the own truth in the eye look, would also look good to read in a newspaper in the country of China: enjoyed, we gather today for the comprehensive school XY in Kreuzberg, a security guards and new so she and the children get color motivated teacher!” Oh dear…? Dear people, stop, stop, before recovery time only discussed the love money.

Sunday, February 7th, 2021 News