Water Park

Water Park in the Kimberley Land can certainly place a child in any sports section. However, employment in these sections of the child taken away from a lot of time and effort that is beginning to affect his learning and overall development, and psychologically, the child can be very difficult to "hard" terms "big" sports, in addition to sports sections, with their focus on results is not unusual injury and congestion. So if you are not dreaming of a sports career for their child, the fitness of our club, where every child gets a full load adequate to his age, is quite sufficient for its harmonious, both physical and intellectual development. What good is fitness for the baby? First of fitness there is no occupational injuries, and secondly, the child's psyche is not injured, he feels "a loser" if it is not the "best" because the children's fitness in our club is primarily adaptive and adaptable: the adaptation, as taught to live in society, adapts, so as to each child is used individually. The main tool to work with children using teachers of our club is a game. The guys get into a large hall where they were waiting for a fairy tale. How much more interesting to travel along the paths, hills, caves and hummocks! Teacher each time creating new stories and ways.

And each time the different fairy-tale characters come to visit. And no one will not be lazy – it's so nice to wake up sleeping dog in the booth, and then run away and hide in his house. Or catch the most fish. Children make a fairly complex exercise without thinking, with pleasure. Many of the important teaching moments are easily implemented through the game.

So move around the room, accompanied by slogans, promotes the development of the vocal apparatus. This method is logoritmika – preparation of speeches, in association with the movement. It is very important to come to school with a set well-developed speech and memory. All of us remember from childhood game of "Magpie". In the arsenal of children's instructor of the club such a great variety of games! Finger exercises and exercises for the shoulder belts contribute not only to development of the brush, but a beneficial effect on language development. Finally, we note that children, like adults, it is important to attend classes regularly, but in this case it will be visible and tangible results.

Monday, September 19th, 2011 News