
There are some things that are very important to know when it comes to water. Our entire body consists of 70% water you certainly know. But did you know that our muscles and our brains consist of water 75%? That our blood and our lungs consist of water 80%? Even our bones comprise 25% water? You feel constantly tired, sometimes attacked food cravings, or are you sometimes depressed? In this way, our body tells us that he has too little water. Because water affects our body from the cellular level. Also you should be aware, that the water you drink should be basic, so has a value higher than 7 on the pH scale. Because with regard to our nowadays usual eating habits, say Fast Food, micro wave dishes, soups, etc., our body will be through permanently (= permanent pH values of) under 7), which leads to weight problems and diseases. Therefore, healthy, alkaline water helps decisively to dismantle the Saureuberschusse in the body. Real health by pure water is essential for our health and our well-being, and it has the potential to keep us a life long fit and vital.

So, for example, our so-called body weight basically is our water weight. Because blood, muscles, brain, and even bones consist largely of water. So, man can understand that regular drinking pure or recycled water strongly stimulates energy reserves, increases the physical and mental abilities as well as ensuring that harmful pollutants and toxins from the body be washed. In addition, water regulates body temperature and blood circulation. It transports oxygen and nutrients into the cells. It removes slag (a common cause of headache), and contributes to tackling asthma, allergies and high blood pressure. Also Weight problems can be solved with adequate water intake, because water helps the food intake, as well as recycling. Undigested food, taken with too little water, causes the body, avoiding water organs and tissues, which can lead to fatigue, nausea and headaches.

Thursday, January 7th, 2021 News