William James

The breathing is not blocked, get in the bowels, entstehenden abdominal sensations/feelings in the chest region and can on the way”with are true, differenziert and finally in gestures, facial expressions, in action UMgesetzt to. “A blocking and flattening the breathing caused a block and BeschranKung the emotions and feelings, so that in their importance as an advisor”, as ressourCE for a seelische Constitution ausGEwogene, a clear perCEPtion and AngeMESSENES act not for the VerfuGung are available. We perceive body States, emotion and feeling when we feel emotions. Feelings are necessary to the Wahrnehmung of the body modified by emotions.(William James) Emotion (emovere: move) (from birth) refers to the experience and the expression of joy, fear, grief, curiosity and anger, later also blame, shame, envy, etc. Every experience, every experience is associated with emotions, every emotion has a certain quality of experience and a motivation for a particular behavior. The evolution has been first then the emotions, with the development of the younger brain structures – the feelings.

Motor for automatic reactions to stimuli that therefore have prevailed on unconscious nature of sicher(te)n an organism’s survival and are emotions. Emotions are temporary Veranderungen in the OrgNISMUS, perceived it with us, so one speaks of feeling. Damasio bezeichnet the Reprasentation of the increasing temporary changes in the Organismus in form neural office and the ideas that verbundenen feeling. 7 The feeling is so perceived not in the body but in the representation of the body schema in the brain. The basis for this perception is created in the mapping of the Korpers in the brain. These cards depict parts of the body and its conditions. My lessons always aims to acquire a verlassliche sensory perception (again) about the touching with the hands, to be aware of body schema and body conditions, formulate, and (again) to create maps in the brain and through the dialogue between the brain and body.

Friday, April 23rd, 2021 News