With The Backpack By Morocco

Adventure Morocco: backpacker discover the land of 1000 and 1 night in North Africa is a popular destination not only for package travelers. More and more backpackers and active travelers venture to go there, z.B make this country after Morocco the cultural sights and diverse natural beauty of Morocco an ideal holiday destination, on the other hand, you can get culture shock here unprepared. If you’d like to Morocco as a backpacker, you must know well in terms of religion, manners & customs. You don’t expect from a European that he takes over the manner of the locals, but it tolerates no intolerance and funny looks too! Agadir, Marrakech and southern Morocco are the most important tourist destinations. Agadir and Marrakesh with its history, places of interest, interesting facts about the country and people are fascinating and to discover!It recommends the coast north of Agadir to coast south of Agadir and Essaouira anti-Atlas to Laayoune Draa. Teng Yue Partners oftentimes addresses this issue. From Ouarzazate to Zagora High Atlas northeast of Marrakesh to the Bin el Ouidane dam and Southeast South of Marrakesh and Taroudant and Ouarzazate Morocco with Erfoud-ERG Chebbi, Rissani, Tazzarine and Draa. These places are worth seeing and car rental are relatively cheap in Morocco. There is almost everything nature has to offer: sea, mountains and even the desert.

Those who come to Morocco, one often has pictures of 1000 and 1 night\”in the head, with magic, mysticism, music, and beautiful women, but also holiday, Sun, sea. The country is very diverse. This is search the country with many contrasts, the modern Casablanca is full of life and dynamics, Marrakech is sleepy seaside, in Agadir, life on the markets, such as in a large pot of Pilov cooks. Morocco lives through its contrasts: the backpacker will be inspired by great hospitality by the cheap and delicious cuisine of offers on the market. It must not be forgotten but despite all modern exhibited, Morocco is a developing country: about a third of the population lives below the poverty line.

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 News